A tragic shooting at a Euclid apartment complex claimed the lives of two siblings, 21-year-old Mariana Grier and 20-year-old Antwon Grier, on Tuesday evening. The incident occurred in the parking lot of the Green Ridge Apartments on Euclid Avenue near East 221st Street, shortly after 7 p.m.
The Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner confirmed the siblings’ deaths, which followed gunfire during a gathering at the complex. Both victims sustained gunshot wounds and were transported to University Hospitals, where they were pronounced dead.
Surveillance footage from the apartment complex captured the moments leading up to the shooting. The video shows a group of women in the parking lot, with one appearing agitated and seemingly preparing for a confrontation. Moments later, Mariana arrived in a blue SUV, reportedly returning from a grocery trip with her sister, who resides at the complex.
The footage reveals Antwon confronting the group of women before the siblings attempted to leave the area. As the SUV moved, gunfire erupted. Mariana and her sister exited the vehicle, trying to flee, but Mariana tragically collapsed after being struck.
Euclid police have identified strong leads in the case. With assistance from Garfield Heights police, an 18-year-old woman was detained and handed over to Euclid authorities for questioning. Investigators have not disclosed the suspect’s role or the potential motives behind the shooting.
The loss of Mariana and Antwon has left the Euclid community in shock. Residents of the family-oriented apartment complex are grappling with the violent deaths, which have turned their neighborhood into the focus of a somber investigation.